Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Spring Melt

The wind tells me
there's snow on the grey hills
behind the misty morning fog
it's brisk and ever so fresh
out where the mountain daisies are pushing up from the crags.

Close your eyes,
there's wind in the snow in the crags on the mountains
past the ocean's divide
past the Canterbury plains
up the perilous slopes -
to the top of the world
where spring
against the wind and the snow in the crags on the mountains -
listen well
before spring dies
in the warm winds
of change.

A.J. Ponder

It's been a busy week.  Lots of writing.  Lots of walking out by the waterfront and feeling spring in the air.  Of course it's always nice to the mountain peaks of the South island, especially when there's a bit of snow on them - but that isn't always possible.  Even so - I can see them in my mind's eye - calling out across the harbour.  I hope everybody is enjoying the change of season.  

For more poetry why not check out the Tuesday blog here - and its fantastic blog roll on the side bar.  So many wonderful poems.   So many awesome writers - it's always such a joy to drop by and see what they've all been up to. 

A.J. Ponder's work is available through Rona Gallery, Amazon, and good Wellington bookstores

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