Doom comes all too soon
As the
light of the day draws old
And the
curtains here are pulled in near
To shelter
us all from the cold
For this is
the day where evil plays
And the
young are found on the street
To be
carried away for a night and a day
By the
rotting allure of the sweet.
The doors
are locked and the hearth is chill
Black cats
hide on the windowsill
Jack-o'-spooks with toothless grins
Are dancing
down in the graveyard still
Now they
come with a rat-a-tat-tat
A trick or
treat and a tip of the hat
sweets and all of that
While the
cobwebs swing from the door
You are not
my nightmares fair
battering chattering ghosts
So take
your tithe and skip away
who's bagged the most.
Doom comes back so late
As the
light of the day draws old
As finally
they stumble in
nightmares shivering from cold
Their bones
are bright and their eyes are dim
And the end
of the night is wearing thin
Now they're back you'll know where they've been
trouble on Halloween
A.J. Ponder
Quickly wrote this today after Halloweening with the young ones. Well, when I say young - I mean my (cough) teenagers, and when I say Halloweening, I mean going out with friends and having a nice time waiting for the trick and treating to finish. It seemed so civilised. So much better than waiting at home wondering when they're finally going to get back or traipsing up and down Muritai Rd with teens whose best excuse for trick or treating is that they're "looking after" the young ones. Hmmm.
Anyway - I hope everyone had fun and you're not left at home with more sweets than you know what do with. Until next year :)
This little piece of trouble has allowed me to use her photograph. Thank you Illyria from Angel, you look awesome!
A.J. Ponder