Saturday, April 6, 2024

Bought ( PSA for a call for submissions for NZ's proposed code of conduct for political lobbyists )

No, it's not Tuesday, and hopefully this is going to be the quickest poem I've ever written—and all because I HATE absolutely LOATHE corporates and big money lobbying (bribing & or threatening) politicians to act against the best interests of us—the people the politicians are supposed to be serving. 


Well, the ciggy people bought our pollies
And now we have the smokes
Death and taxes is the joke

But the doctors aren't laughing.

And oil bought the roads but we can't know
How or why
Just that the roads must happen while our ferries die

While tourists and families are stranded.

And the landlords stormed the parliament and
Gave themselves a rise
While starving children of their lunches
And eating Bellamy pies 

Yes, they deny children while troughing it on the public dime.

And so those pollies are so happy
They've raided NZ lives for their greed
And the lobbyists are happy
They've paid pennies to make billions for big company greed

While our public servants are fired including those protecting our primary industries from tragedy.

So this post is to inform you
That this very Monday eve at 5pm 8 April
Is the deadline to say enough
We don't want bribery to succeed.

Yup this is a last-minute PSA: Monday 5pm is the deadline for responses to the lobbyists gutting of the proposed lobbying code of conduct that we so desperately needed to keep bribery and the revolving door in line.

Here's an article from people who know more than I do. It also has handy links to other countries codes of conduct:

And here's the site where you can make submissions:

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