"Suck it up, be quiet, you're hurting the cause
How very dare you, it's time to hit pause
Don't stand up and don't fight back
Not even with paper
It's unseemly, it's rude and it's just not done
Clutch your pearls quick, everyone
And no talk of systemic abuse by the boys
'Cos, they'll throw out their toys,
With their bollocks claim
"It's the rough and tumble of politics"
So suck it up, Buttercup
They have a country to pillage
And turn about is only fair play
For bullies policing the meek
It's not for gravy trays shielded by money—
Money that doesn't want a better world
If it has to pay 2c in taxes
A.J. Ponder
I'm hoping that a little righteous anger will lift your heart today, and maybe also have you looking beneath claims of bullying to see if there's a culture of bullying—one that picks on the bullied if they dare step out of line.
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poetry book—2024